The 2024 International Exhibition &Conference for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Thermal Insulation and Energy (HVAC-R EGYPT EXPO – ASHRAE CAIRO)
The second international exhibition in 2024 we chose Cairo, Egypt, Cairo is the capital of Egypt, the largest city of Egypt and the national economic, transportation and cultural center, the city across the Nile River, is the political, economic and commercial center of the entire Middle East region. Made up of the provinces of Cairo, Giza and Qalyoub, the Greater Cairo Region has a total population of 21.3 million in 2021, making Greater Cairo the largest city in Egypt and the Arab world, as well as in Africa, and the 16th largest metropolitan area in the world.
The theme of the show is the International Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Insulation and Energy Exhibition 2024
Add.:ElMoshir Tantawy Axis, Al Hay Al Asher Nasr City,Cairo•Governorate 4440301
Shanghai Qianjing Booth Number:H4
Date:MAY 13-15,2024
Welcome to my dear you